About MHDL

Mendel Heit Design Lab is a multiple design studio in Berlin.
Ranging from brand architecture to eyewear development, our design work can be for furniture, home products, jewelry, accessories, exhibition stands, interactive installations, digital experiences or even research projects. A particular interest lies in combining new technologies with handcrafted heritage.

Mendel Heit Design Lab
multiple – open – 

We believe in the human story that make objects interesting and valuable.

Our passion for technology and new fabrication technologies take us to new fields of computer generated shapes

Clients and cooperation partners include Framepunk, Vista Alegre Atlantis, Trinkle 3d, Stilnest, habitat, Meisenthal France, Syntop.io, Cristalleries de Saint-Louis, Jack Morton, Avantgarde, Deutsche Telekom, Futurest, ART+COM, Yorb Design, Avantgarde QA, Makerlab, the Anxious Prop, Collignon Architektur, Ester Bruzkus, and Mason Juday amongst many others.

Mendel Heit
Design Director


Mendel Heit is a french-german product designer who lives and works in Berlin.<br>

He first studied at the ENSA Nancy (F). During that time, he met with Jerszy Seymour as well as Shin+Tomoko Azumi during a Vitra Boisbuchet Workshop, and also made an internship with Georges Rousse.
Finalizing his studies at the HBK-Braunschweig (D), Mendel worked on projects for VW, die Bahn, and other german companies. Simultaneously he was working at the Institute for Transportation Design in Braunschweig.
After his diploma in 2006 he started gathering experiences as a designer at the Jerszy Seymour Design Workshop while working on several products and shows (Vitra, Moulinex, Magis, etc..). He then worked as a freelancer in companies specialized in interior architecture, exhibition design and interactive experiences, like Coordination Berlin, ART+COM, or Avantgarde.

He created the Mendel Heit Design Lab in 2009 and continued mixing a more experiential design practice and spatial branding projects.

See full experiences below

  • Co-creation of OpenDesignCity fablab space in Betahaus Berlin 2009
  • Part of the Anxious Prop art collective, magazine and exhibitions
  • We are Rundlauf

An agile network

We have a lot of connections to manufacturers, handcrafts and vendors who can make your project come to life. Even for the second life our designs.

Always on the lookout for interesting people to join us on our journey of object experiments and spatial projects.

Many thanks to these former team members:
Charhrazed Krichen, Felix Pollock, Ina Nguyen, Agathe Revaillot, Melina rieger, Denizay Apusoglu, Margot Bouffort, Paul Thüroff, Joanna Hoffmann, Pamela Esquivia Flores, Jan Van Riesenbeck, Fleur Moreau, Luc Wattendorf

Want to join us? Drop us a line and send us an application with CV and portfolio!