Adidas Speedfactory Activation for JMW

As part of Jack Morton, my role as design lead was to create and develop the physical design of windows, Adidas Speedfactory activation and guidelines for the flagship stores in London, Paris and guidelines for New York.

“adidas is developing a new way of creating and manufacturing shoes, the Speed Factory. Its promise is to provide fully customized shoes at the biometric level, using the latest manufacturing technologies.
Although still in development, adidas decided to launch the concept in all worldwide flagship stores with an aspirational retail experience, supporting the launch of the first Speed Factory
product: the AM4.
Within 6 weeks, Jack Morton developed “Always in Beta”, a cutting edge, generative and everchanging retail experience infusing new technologies and storytelling. It was deployed in Paris, London and extended to the rest of the world with a set of guidelines.”

Jack Morton original post about the Adidas Speedfactory activation
video “Always in Beta” and image credits by Jack Morton