Gradient – 3d printed necklace

This 3d printed necklace was made for Stilnest in Berlin, and prints in one single piece. Won a german design award

“Form Follows Funtion The Gradient necklace by Berlin based designer Mendel Heit combines technological and esthetical aspects like no other Stilnest design so far and is artful down to the last detail. Mendel had the vision to finally exploit the full potential that 3D printing offers by designing a necklace that is printable in one single piece. To make the technical idea become beautiful jewelry he added a gradient of a growing and shrinking patterns to the chain links. These do not only show along the necklace but also every time you twist it in your hands. Gradient, made of fine polyamide is definitely an eye catcher – captivating us more and more every time we see it. The pattern reminds of meshes of a knitted wool pullover and actually doesn’t look like a technical element at all. But the necklace isn’t only of high quality when it comes to the design: it was produced and colored in Germany and individually examined here at Stilnest. Thus, this light necklace enmeshes you at the latest when you have held it in your own hands. Welcome to the future!”


  • necklace made in one printing step
  • light and flexible